The Artist — Fan relationship in the NFT era

Walid AO
3 min readAug 15, 2021

“NFT’s will be the gateway to access to those you admire” — Gary Vee

Photo by Fakurian Design on Unsplash

Let this Tweet by Gary Vee sink in for a while. Remember when fans used to line up to get a signed CD from their favorite singer? With streaming services, no one buys CDs anymore. But with NFTs, fans can still get an authentic copy from their artists anywhere in the world.

Artists can mint and sell any content to their fans; unreleased projects, studio sessions, private pictures, album artworks, etc.

An NFT can even give its owner premium access to the artists or their to-be yet-released content in the future.

As an example: An Artist can sell NFTs with their image, which grants access to a Discord server or a Telegram group. The artist can then offer private Q&A sessions with their fans in those closed communities.

Artists can use this “new relationship” to fund their upcoming projects. Thus, changing the entire dynamics between fans and artists without label companies in between. Thus, decentralizing art.

Artists can:

  1. Turn their existing works to NFTs and sell them online to their fans.
  2. Grant access to private Q&A sessions by selling NFT tokens.

